We help you get ahead of game-changing trends and impactful shifts that most people don’t see coming.
Our work is crisp, bold, provocative, and filled with unexpected intellectual flair. Rooted firmly in fact but artfully woven like fiction, our work embodies the allure of the most interesting person at the cocktail party. People call us when they need strategic thinking that pushes the envelope, foresight that sees around corners and insight that stimulates the imagination. We deliver dynamic debriefs that are actionable page-tuners, not digital dust collectors. With the insight of a good comedian, the intrigue of a classified intelligence officer, and the curiosity of a subtly probing psychotherapist, we hope to make our partners feel simultaneously surprised and right at home. We can find magic in the mundane, and we can always find new ways at old topics.
Our work is designed as provocation and inspiration, intended to make people say ‘I never thought about it that way’. Most importantly, our thinking is a game-changer for our partners, their brands, their films and their businesses.
Our work and our writing have been recognized and featured in publications and festivals of film and creativity worldwide.